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来源:网络 2015-03-05 编辑:托福培训小编 雅思托福0元试学




1. If your high school has after-school activities, which activities would you like to choose?

Sample Answer: Personally speaking, if my high school has after-school activities, I would like to choose a choir to attend for the following reasons. First of all, unlike other musical instrument classes which required to buy expensive instruments, attending a choir will enable people to save money, so that they could use these money to buy something more important or much more in need. Besides, joining in a choir means singing with a lot of people, attending a choir will give people an opportunity to be part of a unique team, to learn how to cooperate with other people in a professional manner. Last but not the least, when singing in a choir in front of lots of audience, confidence will be built automatically, which is good for people's everyday performance in many other areas.


2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People will read fewer books in the future.

Sample Answer: In my opinion, people will read fewer books in the future for the following reasons. First of all, as the price of books go up rapidly recently, read fewer books will enable people to save money, so that they could be able to buy some other important things. Besides, because nowadays people get more and more knowledge through multi-media such as television, radio and internet, reading fewer books will give people an opportunity to save some time, so that they could use these time on browsing websites or watching televisions of their choice, improve their time efficiency. Finally, considering of the print-media is dying slowly, people will be forced to get everything digitally and prepared for the future.


3. 学校要build a new art history building, 可以have larger classroom, 还有high-tech machine。女生喜欢,因为classroom小,学生想上课但是上不去。她说她自己想去Chinese art history class, 可是班级小只能去15个人,所以她没进去。然后第二是她说没有high tech machine的时候painting和石膏很blur, 看不清楚details, 可是艺术的excellence主要都在details上。

Sample Answer: The post from the school's newspaper stated that this university is considering of building a brand new art building. In the dialogue, the women liked this idea very much for the following reasons. First of all, in the post it stated that the new art building will have larger classrooms to enable more students to join in specific class. In the dialogue, the women said she used to really want to take one Chinese Art Class, but the classroom was too small, only 15,people would be allowed in one class, the new art building's bigger classroom would definitely solve this issue. Moreover, the post stated that there will be high tech machines inside the art building, the women liked this idea accordingly since all the paintings and sculptures were too blurry, they wouldn't be able to see all the amazing details without the high-tech machines' help, and keep in mind, all the excellence of arts are in the details. To sum up, the women liked school's idea of building a new art building.


4. 名词解释:The concept of search image

听力讲座:说鸟要吃虫子(caterpillar),可是虫子是绿的,叶子也是绿的,所以鸟就吃得少,可是后来鸟在虫子身上发现它们特别的记号(search image)(自己推测,比方说虫子身上有别的颜色的条纹。)所以既然已经知道怎么找了,所以就找得快了,然后抓几条留着以后吃。


5. 女生有问题,她要参加summer courses, 但是没钱。所以,去librarypart time job, but it will cost her 3 hours。第二是在dorm自己做饭,比在食堂吃饭省钱,尽管样式没那么多。

Sample Answer: In the dialogue, the women encountered a problem. There will be a summer course offered during summer school of her university, she is really interested in this course, however, she doesn't have enough money to take this course, that way she doesn't know what to do. The man offered her two possible solutions, first one is for her to take a part-time job at the university's library so she could make some money and take the course; the other one is to cook her own food for herself which will help her save a lot of money on the dinning plan she has right now, and she could use these saved money for the course. Personally speaking, I would choose the first solution for the following reasons. First of all, a library part-time job would provide her enough money to take the course, and maybe some extra for staying on campus to eat. Besides, a library part- time job will provide her with an opportunity to research on the subjects of her choice as well as learning many new things; it is a win-win for her.


6. 第六题是说benefits of domesticating animals。说为了要吃肉,人们先是打猎,后来就开始圈养,有2个好处,随时随地可以吃肉,举例子goat, 圈养起来就meat available (Goat is easy to control and it will move with the people, then people will have consistent and reliable resources of food to eat)。第二是可以拿到其他的product, 举例子还是goat, 可以弄到milk, 然后做成酸奶(yogurt)cheese, 并且可以储存起来留着以后吃。




1. Describe one way to improve the system of education in your country.

Sample Answer: In my point of view, a good way to improve the quality of education in my country is improving the quality of the teachers. Firstly, a better teacher knows the better way to teach. Teachers are the critical parts of education. If they provide a more efficient way, the education system will be enhanced. Secondly, a better teacher knows more knowledge. The knowledge that will be accepted by students should be known by the teachers at first. So the more a teacher knows, the more his/her students will learn. Furthermore, an interesting and qualified teacher would attract the students. When the students are more interested in the class given by the interesting teacher, the efficiency of education may reach a completely higher level.


2. Do you like reading books or listening to audio books?

Sample Answer: Compared with listening to audio books, reading books would be my choice. First of all, reading books would be more appropriate for people because people have been read books for centuries. Besides, reading books are clearer than audio books. There are some words that have completely different meanings when their pronunciations are same. These words of audio books would make people confused, but reading book

朗阁 托福 口语 题库


  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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