朗阁首页 > 托福频道 > 托福听力 > [托福培训]托福听力中的“四两拨千斤”


来源:网络 2016-09-26 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学







朗阁小编带你一起来看一个例子吧:(来自TPO 6 L3)

To begin, how do we create fictional characters? We don’t just pull them from thin air, do we? I mean we don’t create them out of nothing.


句话为疑问句,算是一个普通的句子,句式不复杂,句子中的词汇也很基本。而跟在问题后的那句话We don’t just pull them from thin air虽然没有单词的问题,但很多同学不理解句子意思。pull them from thin air其实是个俚语,可理解为凭空捏造,那么问题来了:是否需要学生把英语中的俚语整理并记忆,以防以后再遇到?这确实是一个解决方法,但学习效果无法。首先英语中的俚语不计其数,常用的俚语也非常多,托福听力中会出现俚语,并没有一个明显的范围可言,很有可能背过的俚语全部都不再考,考到的俚语恰好就是没背过的。所以,背俚语这种直截了当的解决方式*给了学生千斤的压力。


但我们会发现,就算We don’t just pull them from thin air不理解,后一句I mean we don’t create them out of nothing.就把上一句的意思给解释了。而后一句we don’t create them out of nothing理解难度就要低很多,若只理解了后一句,听懂效果其实是一样的。


所以,对于I mean之后的简单内容有意识的把握和理解,就可以不用去以背俚语的方式来达到对于困难内容We don’t just pull them from thin air的理解,这就是我所谓的四两拨千斤。


这种情况也绝不是特例,再看一个例子:(来自TPO 6 L3)

Don’t make you character into a stereotype. Remember the reader needs to know how your character is different from other people who might fall in the same category.


以上句的理解难度较大,虽然句式简单,但因为stereotype一词很多学生没背过,所以无法理解核心意思。后一句虽有点长,但单词都很基础,句式也不复杂。这两句话虽然中间没有I mean这一类的词连接,前一句是不要让你的角色落入俗套,后一句的意思是你的角色得不同,意思也是一样的,理解了后一句,等于两句意思都理解了。




从以上的两个例子中的四两,分别是I mean we don’t create them out of nothing.和Remember the reader needs to know how your character is different from other people who might fall in the same category.,我们就可以看出,托福听力的四两无非是基本词汇掌握到位、可以秒懂,一般句子理解到位、可以秒懂。或许托福听力的话题可以很偏很*,甚至出现很生僻的词,但考察的重点永远都是语言能力。


这次结合题目再看一个例子:(来自TPO 10 L1)

Err…and there have been some other interesting findings from DNA research. For a long time, we assumed that all whales that had teeth, including sperm whales and killer whales, were closely related to one another. And the same for the toothless whales, like the blue whale and other baleen whales, we assumed that they be closely related. But recent DNA studies suggest that that’s not the case at all. The sperm whale was actually closely related to the baleen whale, and it’s only distantly related to the toothed-whales. So that’s the real surprise to all of us.



6. What does DNA evidence indicate about relationships among whales?

A. All modern whales descend from sperm whales

B. Differences among toothed whales are less significant that was previously thought

C. Not all toothed whales are closely related

D. Sperm whales are more closely related to killer whales than was previously thought



1). sperm whales, baleen whale不认识,反应不过来;

2). 之前听得时候来不及给sperm whales, killer whales, blue whale, baleen whale这四个分类,到之后The sperm whale was actually closely related to the baleen whale这句话的时候也不知道哪个对哪个,懵了。




首先,sperm whales, baleen whale不需要知道具体的意思,这样的学科领域词平时很难积累到,除非是相关专业的,就算背下来了,再遇到的可能性也微乎其微。当然,除非某一个学科领域词在不同的TPO中重复出现2次以上,比如beaver(河狸),说明被使用到的几率相对*些,可以考虑背一下。


然后,想要边听边理解,还能来得及给sperm whales, killer whales, blue whale, baleen whale这四个生词分好类记在纸上,对于一般学生而言,不是几个月或者几年时间可以达到的,甚至都不是光英语好就可以达到的,可能还得学口译速记,但这样的方法就明显跑偏了。



先理解For a long time, we assumed that all whales that had teeth, including sperm whales and killer whales, were closely related to one another., 这句话就一个难点,有插入语including sperm whales and killer whales会打乱某些同学的听力理解思路,其实这句话可以理解为we assumed that all whales that had teeth were closely related to one another., 是一个简单句式,单词很简单。


第二句话And the same for the toothless whales, like the blue whale and other baleen whales, we assumed that they be closely related.和上一句话一样,插入语like the blue whale and other baleen whales可能影响了同学的听力理解思路,这句话理解为we assumed that they (toothless whale) be closely related就够了。单词没难度,句式没难度。


第三句话But recent DNA studies suggest that’s not the case at all, 有一定英语积累的同学都知道,这句话表示事情完全不是这样的,没有生词,完全是*英语内容。


而第四句话The sperm whale was actually closely related to the baleen whale可能确实来不及反应出这两种鲸中哪一种是有牙的,哪一种是没牙的。但根据前三句话有牙的鲸鱼是一类的+没牙的鲸鱼是一类的+事情完全不是这样的,第四句话说出来不可能自己打自己脸,sperm whale和baleen whale肯定一种有牙,一种没牙,至于谁是有牙的,谁是没牙的,重要吗?



6. What does DNA evidence indicate about relationships among whales?

A. All modern whales descend from sperm whales

B. Differences among toothed whales are less significant that was previously thought

C. Not all toothed whales are closely related

D. Sperm whale are more closely related to killer whales than was previously thought

这题正确选项为C, 从正确选项的内容也可以看出来,没在考具体鲸鱼的分类,只是在考能否理解有牙的鲸鱼相关和事情不是这样的这两句话。ETS对于考察点的拿捏,非常有道理,非常到位。



Baleen whale, sperm whale这样的词不认识,并不影响主要意思的理解,不信的话可以尝试把baleen whale, sperm whale随便编个名字,难道题目会做错?但是,如果toothless反应不过来(无非也

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