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来源:网络 2019-03-14 编辑:wang 雅思托福0元试学





1. 是非型匹配题。



1. TPO8 C2

Based on the conversation,indicate whether each of the following is offered by health clubs.



Low membership fees

High-quality facilities

Exercise classes

Positive self-image

Special presentations



Pro: But nowadays, in spite of all that, and expensive membership fees, health clubs are hugely popular, so how come?

Stu: I guess that is what I didn’t understand.

Pro: Ok, basically they have to offer things that most people cant find anywhere else – (you know) quality. That means better exercise equipment, high-end stuff, and classes... exercise classes, maybe aerobics.

Stu: I am not sure if Iok I get it. Yeah. And you know another thing is I think people probably feel good about themselves when they are at the gym. And they can meet new people, socialize.

Pro: Right, so health clubs offer high quality facilities. And also they sell an image about people having more fun, relating better to others and improving their own lives if they become members.

题目解析:*个选项Low membership fees 是和原文相反的意思,special presentations 是在后边的library model里提到的,所以这两个不符合题目要求。其它在原文都有提到。


2.TPO 2 C1

What information will the man include in his report?


Include in report

Not include in report

Climate charts

Interviews with meteorologists

Journals notes

Statistical tests



对应原文:I was wondering if I should also include the notes from the research journal you suggested I keep.......

OK. So, for example, I studied meteorological records; I looked at climate charts; I used different methods for analyzing the data, like certain statistical tests; and then I discuss the results. Is that what you mean?

题目解析:学生首先提到了notes from the research journal, climate charts和 statistical tests,教授说全部应该包含。只有interviews with meteorologists没有提到,原文有提到meteorological records, 很多考生由于不熟悉meteorological这个词所以会错误地选到这个选项。


3. TPO10 lecture 4

The professor mentions some commonly held explanations for childhood amnesia.Indicate whether each of the following is one of the explanations she mentions.Click in the correct box for each phrase.



Early memories are repressed

Young children have few experiences to remember

Young children are unable to form memories

Children lose memories at a faster rate than adults



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