朗阁首页 > 托福频道 > 托福题库 > [托福题库]2018年9月朗阁新托福口语考题题库


来源:网络 2018-08-30 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学






Question 1

Which of the following community service would you choose to do?

1). working with children

2). cleaning the city park

3). planting a campus garden

Question 2

When studying aboard, some students prefer to live by themselves or with their friends; others prefer to live with a local family. Which do you think is better?

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


The student suggests that the university change the writing center. There are two changes. The first one is to hire more tutors. The second one is to open the center at weekends.

【学生态度】:The woman holds a positive idea.

1. There are always a lot of students waiting for tutors. But now there are only two tutors.

2. The center will not be overcrowded.

Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


Magnification is the negative thinking way which leads to people giving up good opportunities they meet.


For example, the son of the professor loves performance. And he has talent for it. The professor and his wife watched a performance given by his son. They and other audience were impressed by the show. But his son told him that he forgot one line of the character and considered himself not a good actor. His feeling was so strong, so he gave up the chance to perform in a show next semester.

Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5


There is a scheduling conflict for the woman. Her father would like to have dinner and go to the theater with her. But she has a biology exam tomorrow.



The woman has two possible solutions:

The first one is to cancel the date with her father.

The second one is to have dinner only with her father. She can still have time to prepare for the exam.


Question 6


Two behaviors of animals living in tropical habitat:

The first one is searching food alone. There is a kind of ape. They eat plants scattered in the large area. If they search food by group, they will have no enough food to eat.

The second one is to make sound to mark their territories. Many animals have their own territories. If their territories are invaded, they will have fight and injury. For example, a kind of monkey makes sound to mark their territories.





Question 1

Your friend is going to work for a year before entering university. Do you think it’s a good idea?

Question 2

Some people prefer to play team sports. Others prefer to do individual sports. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


学校规定大一新生first year students不能在校内停车keep their cars on campus。一个学生给校报写信说学校应该允许新生在校内用车。

理由1: 大一学生到校外find part-time jobs要用车,没车找工作不方便。

理由2: 大一学生想家get homesick的时候,周末要开车drive回很远的家探亲,没车回家不方便。


理由1: 大一新生课业负担重have a lot of school work to do, 没有额外的时间do part-time jobs。If they drive cars to find part-time jobs, they might not do well in school.

理由2: 如果大一新生想家get homesick, they might go home every weekend, 他们就没有足够的时间与新同学相处,很难适应大学生活learn how to socialize with other people。

Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


ethnological design人体工程学设计。办公室人员用普通办公设备办公,费力,uncomfortable, 甚至造成illness, 其工作效率被降低。ethnological design可以使办公室人员感觉舒适comfortable, 不会引起physical problems, 并*工作效率。



他以前在office工作,负责接客户的电话,但每次当要边打电话边找文件reach file cabinet时,他只能用脖子和shoulder夹着phone。接电话的姿势不舒服,时间长了hurt his neck, 工作效率也下降了。后来boss给了他一个new device - hand free headset耳麦。他能腾出双手找文件了,感觉舒服了,而且脖子也好了。工作效率也*了。

Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5


女生要组织一场舞会organize a school dance, 邀请了一个*的乐队band在舞会上演出。但该乐队因为当晚有另一场演出,they can't play for the dance show, 取消canceled了这次演出。



1. 请另外一个乐队来表演find another band。但女生说其它乐队没有这个乐队受欢迎enjoy, 怕观众可能会不喜欢。

2. 还是请这个乐队,但延期举办舞会reschedule the dance to next week。但如果推迟一周的话,就临近期末考试final exam了。到那时,学生在忙着准备期末考试,可能就没时间来参加舞会了。

Question 6


人的记忆经常会记不清details, 叫做memory gap, 人们往往会用错误的信息fill in the memory gap, two ways:

1. 个人推理:自己添加上合理的细节。一个study, 事后问参与者,他们所说的内容中都有看上去合理其实并没有发生的细节;

2. 他人误导:别人的暗示或者建议。比如车祸之后问目击者,提问的方式不一样,得到的答案也不一样,这就是受到问题内容的暗示。







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  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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