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来源:网络 2016-04-29 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学


在阅读中我们不免会遇到一些提问,提问有分直接提问和间接提问,本期《英语小测验》考考你对 questions 的提问方式能否分得清楚。

  在阅读中我们不免会遇到一些提问,提问有分直接提问和间接提问,本期《英语小测验》考考你对 questions 的提问方式能否分得清楚。

  1. Which of the following is a correct indirect question?

  a) Could you tell me where she does live?

  b) Where could she live?

  c) Could you tell me where she lives?

  d) Where does she live?

  2. Which of the following is a correct direct question?

  a) When did he arrive?

  b) Can you tell me when he arrived?

  c) Would you mind telling me when he arrived?

  d) Do you have any idea when he arrived?

  3. Which of these is a correct subject question?

  a) Who did write the tragedy Coriolanus?

  b) Who was write the tragedy Coriolanus?

  c) Whom wrote the tragedy Coriolanus?

  d) Who wrote the tragedy Coriolanus?

  4. In which sentence is the preposition correctly located?

  a) What on earth about you are talking?

  b) What about on earth are you talking?

  c) What on earth are you talking about?

  d) What on earth about are you talking?

  5. Which question indicates that the speaker expects the other person to agree with him?

  a) Do you think Shanghai is the most exciting city in China?

  b) Is Shanghai the most exciting city in China?

  c) Which city is the most exciting one in China? Shanghai?

  d) Isn’t Shanghai the most exciting city in China?

  6. Which of these sentences acts as a very polite way to ask a question?

  a) Where is the station?

  b) I wonder if you could tell me the way to the station.

  c) Tell me where the station is.

  d) How about telling me the way to the station?


  1) c, 2) a, 3) d, 4) c, 5) d, 6) b.


托福考试 不同的提问方式 直接问题 间接问题


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  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
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