朗阁首页 > 托福频道 > 托福口语 > 新托福口语Task4之阅读分析策略探讨(一)


来源:网络 2019-01-29 编辑:cici 雅思托福0元试学




<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/longre-toefl-154/'><a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/tuofu'>新托福</a>口语</a>Task4之阅读分析策略探讨

  在深入探讨之前,我们先来分析一下关于task4的题目要求。task4是名词解释类的题目,顾名思义,考生需要找出一个特定名词的概念并进行解释说明。以tpo53为例,题目是 “using the example of washing hands, explain the concept of chaining behavior”, 考生可以明确自己的主要任务是要解释概念chaining behavior, 并且运用例子washing hands来解释此概念,而阅读标题就是chaining behavior, 所以我们可以推测出阅读的主要目的是找出标题的概念,而听力的目的是记下关于例子washing hands的相关内容。笔者通过tpo1-53的所有task4的听力内容分析发现以下几个主要的类别——频率*的是psychology类型,大约有18篇,排第二的是biology,大约有13篇,第三是business & market,大约有8篇,接下来是sociology,有6篇,除了这四大类,还有个别出现频率比较少的话题,比如education, environmental science, zoology, art history等。本篇主要围绕出现频率*的四大类阅读分析并结合具体阅读步骤来让考生更清晰的明确如何更好的记下听力重点内容。

  1. 找出标题定义内容



  TPO32 task4 reading part

  Choice-Supportive Bias

  People often make decisions by considering the advantages and disadvantages of each option. However, after a person selects an option, there is a tendency for that person to exhibit the choice- supportive bias. After selecting an option, a person may begin to favor that option. Without being fully aware of it, people who exhibit this bias tend to focus on and remember only the advantages of the option they selected. As time passes, they will overlook the option’s disadvantages, eventually even forgetting them.

  分析:先根据标题Choice-Supportive Bias*定位到第二句话,然而这句话并没有说明任何关于这个概念的定义,往后一句我们发现从这一句开始就是在解释关于标题的定义。对于水平一般的考生,可以直接选择记下这句话,也就是“After selecting an option, a person may begin to favor that option.”,但是如果考生水平较好且想要获得比较好的分数,可以继续阅读完*后两句,概括完整的概念并进行适当的同意替换,比如“After selection an option, a person tends to favor it and remember only the benefits of the option while neglecting its drawbacks.”


  TPO46 task4 reading part

  Warning Coloration

  Many animals have defense mechanisms that help protect them from predators. In some cases, these animals have distinct coloring that signals predators of the presence of such defenses. This type of coloring is called warning coloration. If a predator does not recognize the meaning of this coloration and attacks, it may suffer significant discomfort or injury when its would-be prey employs its defense mechanism. As a result, the predator learns to associate the warning coloration with negative consequences, and will from that point forward avoid attacking animals that have that coloration.

  分析:先根据标题warning coloration*定位到第三句,然而这句话并有说明任何关于这个概念的定义,但是通过指代词this我们可以发现定义在前一句。同样,水平一般的考生可以直接抄下这句话——“In some cases, these animals have distinct coloring that signals predators of the presence of such defenses.”水平较好的考生可以合并前两句,概括并同意替换,同时需要注意指代词所具体指出的内容(these, such), 比如many animals have distinct coloring that alerts predators to the presence of their defense mechanisms to protect themselves from predators.

  2. 题库听力重点内容




  TPO50 task4 reading part

  State-dependent Memory

  When learning something new, people are aware (consciously or unconsciously) of the environment in which their learning takes place. This learning environment includes the physical setting, the time of day, and even the people who are present during learning. Studies have shown that when people later need to remember information they have learned, their ability to do so is affected by their current environment. If the environment is the same or similar to the original learning environment recall - the ability to remember - will be easier and more successful. Psychologists refer to this as state-dependent memory.

  分析:心理学一般听力内容涉及的都是以人为中心展开关于人的一些特性,比如人的行为和对应的心理等。在分析前我们先根据上文说到的*步定位到标题概念也就是倒数第二句“If the environment is the same or similar to the original learning environment recall - the ability to remember - will be easier and more successful”,仔细理解这句话后,我们先判断这句话中的对象是人还是物,然后这句话里没有明确提及,但是根据心理学的一般套路我们可以推测听力内容应该是围绕人展开的,因此在听力中*步要找出人是谁,一般在听力*开始就会说明对象是谁。另外此句还提及两种环境environment和original learning environment,所以可以明确听力中会出现两个场景也就是地点。The ability to remember说明听力对象在记忆某些信息,这也是需要明确的内容。此外,*后的结果也需要记录下来,环境相似则记忆信息更容易且更成功。当考生分析完标题的概念后并明确自己需要记录听力内容中的这些内容的时候,那么听力就变得更容易了,带着目的去记录,并不需要全部记下来,且大概的听力内容也明确后,那么原来task4所存在的问题也就是引刃而解了。


新托福口语 阅读分析 策略探讨


  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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