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来源:网络 2019-03-14 编辑:wang 雅思托福0元试学





一、 综合写作评分标准

1. 考试内容要求

A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading.


2. 考试形式要求

The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are presented do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections.





阅读结构是四段式,*段是阅读的主旨;第二段、第三段、第四段分别是三个理由及其细节。首先,*段重点阅读尾句或表示转折的内容,比如however, but 等;另外,需要注意生词,如果该词汇在文中反复出现,那么则需要了解其读音,否则,能读懂段落大意即可。第二段、第三段及第四段的阅读要点主要包括以下几个:首句、尾句、举例( such as, for example, in particular及特殊例子)、因果(because,so, 非谓语动词)、并列(also,furthermore, in addition, besides等)、转折(however, but )、否定( do not, not, never, only等)、重复(语义重复),可参考以下阅读的解析:

Every year, forest fires and severe storms cause a great deal of damage to forests in the northwestern United States. One way of dealing with the aftermath of these disasters is called salvage logging, which is the practice of removing dead trees from affected areas and using the wood for lumber, plywood, and other wood products. There are several reasons why salvage logging is beneficial both to a damaged forest and to the economy.(尾句)

*段主要讲述了salvage logging对森林和经济的好处。找出重点信息后(划线绿色部分)可以将其总结改写如下:

Salvage logging benefits not only the destroyed forest but also economy.


1. 词性:beneficial 改写为benefit (adj 改成 verb)

2. 同义词:damaged改写成destroyed

3. 句式结构:and 改成not only........but also.......

4. 结合以上3种方法


First, after a devastating fire, forests are choked with dead trees. If the trees are not removed, they will take years to decompose; in the meantime, no new trees can grow in the cramped spaces.(重复)  Salvage logging, however,(转折) removes the remains of dead trees and makes room for fresh growth immediately, which is likely to help forest areas recover from the disaster.

第二段是salvage logging 对森林的好处,即salvage logging 可以给新书腾空间

改写: Salvage logging creates suitable conditions for new tree growth because it provides space to new trees.


Also(并列), dead trees do more than just take up space. Decaying wood is a highly suitable habitat for insects such as (举例)the spruce bark beetle, which in large numbers can damage lives, healthy spruce trees. So(因果), by removing totting wood, salvage logging helps minimize the dangers of insect infestation, thus contributing to (因果) the health of the forest.

第三段是salvage logging有利于森林的健康因为它可以降低栖息在森林的insect的危害, 可改写如下:

Salvage logging contributes to the healthy forest due to the reduction of insect infestation such as the spruce bark beetle.

Third and last, salvage logging has economic benefits.(首句) Many industries depend upon the forests for their production, and because of this a fire can have a very harmful effect on the economy. Often, however, (转折)the trees that have been damaged by natural disasters still can provide much wood that is usable by industries. Furthermore,(并列) salvage logging requires more workers than traditional logging operations do, and so it helps create additional jobs for local residents.(尾句)

第四段是salvage logging 的经济好处,即可以*工业木材和为当地人*工作机会,改写如下:

Salvage logging has economic benefits because it provides industrial wood and jobs for the locals.

2. TPO47练习阅读部分


Pterosaurs were an ancient group of winged reptiles that lived alongside the dinosaurs. Many pterosaurs were very large, some as large as a giraffe and with a wingspan of over 12 meters. Paleontologists have long wondered whether large pterosaurs were capable of powered flight (flying by flapping their wings) or whether they were able only to glide. Several arguments have been made against powered flight.

改写:Pterosaurs were incapable of powered flight.

Doubters point out that since modern reptiles are cold-blooded, ancient reptiles such as pterosaurs were probably cold-blooded as well. Cold-blooded animals typically have a slow metabolism and are unable to produce a lot of energy. Powered flight is an activity requiring a lot of energy, which is why all modern vertebrates that fly are warm-blooded, not cold-blooded. It seemed unlikely that pterosaurs would have been able to generate the energy needed to fly.

改写:The cold-blooded pterosaurs with slow metabolism were unable to produce sufficient energy to fly, which means that warm-blooded animals could generate ample energy needed by powered flight to fly.

Second, there is a limit to the weight of animals that can be kept airborne by powered flight. Pterosaurs that were as large as a giraffe were probably so heavy that they would not have been able to flap their wings fast enough to stay aloft for any length of time.

改写:The heavy and large pterosaurs were unable to stay aloft for a long time by flapping their wings fast.

Third, all animals with powered flight are able to take off from the ground. For example, birds take off by jumping from their legs or running to gain speed and then jumping. But these methods would not have worked for large pterosaurs. Large pterosaurs would have needed big, powerful muscles in their back legs to launch themselves into the air, and we know from fossilized bones that their back leg muscles were too small and weak to allow the pterosaurs to run fast enough or jump high enough to launch themselves into the air.

改写:Pterosaurs were unable to use small and weak back legs to take off from the ground/launch themselves into the air as the birds do.







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  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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